Not only am I taking it upon myself to mock the celeb Combo-Name monickers forced upon us by the media, but I'm making up some of my OWN. Take THAT, beyatches. And they are RIDICULOUS.
Some Couples I Love/Think Are Almost Too Cute To Live:
- Trita/CastaRita
- KyKev/Fat-Free Bacon
- BroderSex/Carrie BradBueller
- Coldplyneth
- Pravolta/Jelly/Greased Kelly
Some Couples I Hate/That Make Me Want to Puke:
- TomKatchabirthingpod
- BobbinforCrack/WhitnoBobby
- Brangebabycrazy/Brangeblech
- Camerustin/TimberDitzy
- FederUgh/Britnojustno/FederBillies
Some Couples I Just Don't Get/Kind of Don't Want to Look At: