Some Things I Love:
- Chocolate Pudding. Not that crap pudding in the plastic cups. We're talking the pudding my mom used to make, set in the refrigerator for a few hours, then pour into green, fluted Ice Cream Fountain-esque glasses with layers of whipped cream interspersed between said killer pudding. *sigh*
- Fuzzy slippers.
- The words "sumptuous", "douse", and "fluffy".
- All things FLANNEL! And the chill in the night air is making me excited about not only wearing FLANNEL PAJAMAS! but unearthing the FLANNEL SHEETS! because FLANNEL IS THE SHIT.
- Friday Hottie Christian Bale. Mmmm, Mr. Bale. I've rediscovered your hotness in the darkness of the theater during previews for "The Prestige" where, I must say, you're looking...all right I guess. I mean, whatever. You're okay. Excuse me just one moment, will you? I have to go vaporize into steamy lust in private. *OhmiGOD*
Some Things I Hate:
- That I can't dive off a diving board. No way in hell I'm a) getting all the way up there without crying on the inside and b) doing anything fancy off of it - I'm going back down that ladder, you bully.
- That Fuzzy-Teeth feeling you get after having hot chocolate or a mocha-anything. It's so damn gross.
- The words "jazzy", "plexiglass", and "masticate".
- That I did NOT want to like Men In Trees, but I do anyway. Anne Heche is a big obstacle for my brain to hurdle over, yet somehow...through the clever (albeit PUN-laden, which should come as no surprise since there's a Sex and the City influence) writing and strong supporting characters, it has. Dammit. (p.s. - this "Jack" guy is kind, by God.)
- How when you eat almonds, you always find bits of the skin in between your teeth afterward.
Some Things I Just Don't Get:
- Ice Fishing. Someone want to clue me in on the appeal there? I'm open to explanation.
- Why would anyone like SWEET PICKLES? The horror. The gagging horror.
- Why Blackjack dealers wear those bowties.
- Curves commercials. I mean, I don't take issue with the concept of the ladies'-only gyms themselves, but those commercials...aren't cool. I mean, "This Little Light of Mine" as a GYM THEME SONG? I...don't...think so.
- Is this supposed to be enticing to people? REALLY?
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