Sparse...Our backyard, a sheet of ice the neighbor kids skated across during the recent winter blast which turned us into a HouseSicle for two weeks.
I know, that is what my space here has been for quite some time. I don't feel guilty about that, because in case you don't believe the rumor, pulling away from Internet Land can be quite a soul-nourishing experience! Kind of like a dip in a calm pool or a breath drawn in a forest. Seriously, not caring a wit about whether or not the world knows what is happening in your life is more fun than you may remember. You know, back in the Sad, Slow, Tweetless, Blogless, Pen and Paper, Crack-Open-an-Encyclopedia, Dark, Scary World. (And if you are too young to have had to ever open up a QRS encyclopedia to do research on quails or Russia or supernovas for class, I'm going to pretend for this brief moment that people your age do not yet exist to keep my brain from exploding and also ARE YOUR PARENTS MONITORING YOUR INTERNET USAGE, YOUNG'IN? Also, damn, damn, damn. So old I am feeling. old.)
The thing is, I soooo love my sweet, funny, moving, intelligent, creative, inspiring friends across the InterSphere that staying connected is still important. Through virtual land I've met several of my real-life lovelies who I get to SEE and TOUCH and LAUGH WITH and SOAK IN just in the past year or two alone. Not to mention the many I admire and get wrapped up in sometimes from afar, feeling incredibly connected to people I am pretty certain don't have any idea I am in a little relationship with them...reading ...laughing ...crying ...empathizing ...SUPERFAN-ING ...adoring ...coveting ...learning ...clickety-clicking through their lives and thinking "IF I COULD JUST SMOOSH THE WORLD and I would be the closest of souls." Or at the very least, you could teach me how you do that thing with your hair or how you capture such ghostly beauty in your photography or how you keep consistent with your home yoga practice or how you deal with fertility complications with such grace or how to make those evil evil cupcakes or how you sit down and write things that are so wonderful.
And that is why I choose to share again, perhaps with slightly altered motivation. I think this year will be full of a lot of changes and struggles and victories and annoyances and deliciousness...and I want to remember every bit of it. Plus, I have so much that's been collecting dust, heaving at the seams to be talked about! LIKE HOW I MET TONY BOURDAIN., now I can't really think about anything else, so...ahem. I know the many who used to visit here may not remember to check back in (it's been so very, very long since I've been consistently here and talkity-talky), but that's okay with me. I'll just be over here making stuff with words and photographs and maybe a few other things...and geekishly (yes that's right) and quietly fawning over some of YOU.